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Sberbank Russia, JSC

“Sberbank Russia” JSC made a decision to build a universal Archive Logistics Center for storage of bank documents packed in archive boxes.

The specifics of Archive Logistics Center (ALC) is that ALC staff has no physical access to storage areas and all processes are automated. A special oxireduct technology protects storage area from fires, insects and rodents. In future the project will significantly reduce Sberbank expenses on storage and handling of archive data.

Logistics system specification:
  • Warehouse area 15000 sq.m

  • Racks height 12 m

  • Storage volume – 2 mln. boxes (40 mln. document files)

  • Storage density-100 boxes/sq.m

  • S/R machines -16

  • Conveyor lines length – 1000 m

  • System capacity – 1600 storage/retrieval operations with boxes per hour.

Efficiency factors:
  • Shortened period of documents delivery from archive (request is fulfilled within hours instead of weeks)

  • 4 times reduction of  total storage area

  • Double reduction of archive staff quantity

  • 70 % reduction of media storage expenses

  • Project payback period – 2,5 years

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